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  • 6 sessions

    Price upon request
  • 12 sessions for price of 10 sessions

    Price upon request
  • 10 sessions for price of 9 sessions

    Price upon request

Goals of Self - Discovery

- Define what you want

- Formulate your Goals

- Develop your self confidence



Suitable for Client who wants to focus on a certain area of life they faces challenge with.


Program duration 4 months

Recommended to have first 3 sessions weekly.

Chemistry session complimentary before start the program - Client will understand what is coaching and cover the area where client wants to work on.


Goals of Self - breakthrough

- Define what you want

- Formulate your goals

- Develop your self confidence

- Mastering in your self confidence


Suitable for Client who wants to focus on dynamics of life - one by one or acheive big goals that require more time and efforts


Program duration 9 months

Recommended to have first 3 sessions weekly.

Chemistry session complimentary before start the program - you will understand what coaching is an what you want to work on.



Goals of Expat Transition Program

- Integrate better with Thai Culture​

- Individual solution to approach with new

challenges during transition.


Suitable for Expat during transitioning when faces new challenges in new environment.


Program duration 6 months

Recommended to have first 3 sessions weekly.

Chemistry session complimentary before start the program - you will understand what coaching is an what you want to work on.


Numbers of sessions from each courses are only guidelines, actual results will be from each individual client's factors.

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